Detailed Program (June 4)

Research, In-Use, Resources & Industry Tracks

The program for the main paper tracks (research, resources and in-use tracks) only includes Q&A sessions with the authors. For full-length presentations of the papers, please have a look at the pre-recorded videos that authors have prepared.

*** marks papers nominated for the best paper award.

Schedule Paper PDF File Presentation
10:00 – 10:20 Session 1: Query Processing (Room 1)

Processing SPARQL Aggregates Queries with Web Preemption

Arnaud Grall, Thomas Minier, Hala Skaf-Molli and Pascal Molli

paper video

Equivalent Rewritings on Path Views with Binding Patterns

Julien Romero, Nicoleta Preda, Antoine Amarilli and Fabian M. Suchanek

paper video

StreamPipes Connect: Semantics-Based Edge Adapters for the Industrial IoT

Philipp Zehnder, Patrick Wiener, Tim Straub and Dominik Riemer

paper video
10:00 – 10:20 Session 2: Knowledge Extraction and Recommendation 1 (Room 2)

Entity Extraction from Wikipedia List Pages

Nicolas Heist and Heiko Paulheim

paper video

Building Linked Spatio-Temporal Data from Vectorized Historical Maps

Basel Shbita, Craig Knoblock, Yao-Yi Chiang, Weiwei Duan, Johannes Uhl and Stefan Leyk

paper video

SchemaTree: Maximum-likelihood Property Recommendation for Wikidata

Lars C. Gleim, Rafael Schimassek, Dominik Hüser, Maximilian Peters, Christoph Krämer, Michael Cochez and Stefan Decker

paper video
10:20 – 10:40 Session 3: Knowledge Extraction and Recommendation 2 (Room 1)

*** Entity Summarization with User Feedback (best research paper nominee)

Qingxia Liu, Yue Chen, Gong Cheng, Evgeny Kharlamov, Junyou Li and Yuzhong Qu

paper video

Detecting Synonymous Properties by Shared Data-driven Definitions

Jan-Christoph Kalo, Stephan Mennicke, Philipp Ehler and Wolf-Tilo Balke

paper video

Incremental Multi-source Entity Resolution for Knowledge Graph Completion

Alieh Saeedi, Eric Peukert and Erhard Rahm

paper video
10:20 – 10:40 Session 4: Machine Learning (Room 2)

Hyperbolic Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Knowledge Base Completion

Prodromos Kolyvakis, Alexandros Kalousis and Dimitris Kiritsis

paper video

Unsupervised Bootstrapping of Active Learning for Entity Resolution

Anna Primpeli, Christian Bizer and Margret Keuper

paper video

Embedding-based Recommendations on Scholarly Knowledge Graphs

Mojtaba Nayyeri, Sahar Vahdati, Xiaotian Zhou, Hamed Shariat Yazdi and Jens Lehmann

paper video
10:40 – 11:00 Session 5: Natural Language Processing (Room 1)

SASOBUS: Semi-automatic Sentiment Domain Ontology Building Using Synsets

Ewelina Dera, Flavius Frasincar, Kim Schouten and Lisa Zhuang

paper video

Partial Domain Adaptation for Relation Extraction Based on Adversarial Learning

Xiaofei Cao, Juan Yang and Xiangbin Meng


Entity Linking and Lexico-Semantic Patterns for Ontology Learning

Lama Saeeda, Michal Med, Martin Ledvinka, Miroslav Blaško and Petr Kremen

paper video
10:40 – 11:00 Session 6: Reasoning (Room 2)

*** Hybrid Reasoning Over Large Knowledge Bases Using On-The-Fly Knowledge Extraction (best research paper nominee)

Giorgos Stoilos, Damir Juric, Szymon Wartak, Claudia Schulz and Mohammad Khodadadi

paper video

A Simple Method for Inducing Class Taxonomies in Knowledge Graphs

Marcin Pietrasik and Marek Reformat

paper video

Handling Impossible Derivations during Stream Reasoning

Hamid Bazoobandi, Henri Bal, Frank Van Harmelen and Jacopo Urbani

paper video
11:30 – 11:50 Session 7: Ontology Engineering and Alignment (Room 1)

The Knowledge Graph Track at OAEI – Gold Standards, Baselines, and the Golden Hammer Bias

Sven Hertling and Heiko Paulheim

paper video

*** Modular Graphical Ontology Engineering Evaluated (best research paper nominee)

Karl Hammar, Cogan Shimizu and Pascal Hitzler

paper video

Investigating Software Usage in the Social Sciences: A Knowledge Graph Approach

David Schindler, Benjamin Zapilko and Frank Krüger

paper video
11:30 – 11:50 Session 8: Search and Question Answering (Room 2)

QAnswer KG: Creating On-Demand Question Answering Systems on Top of RDF Data

Dennis Diefenbach, José Giménez-García, Andreas Both, Kamal Singh and Pierre Maret

paper video

Keyword Search over RDF using Document-centric Information Retrieval Systems

Giorgos Kadilierakis, Pavlos Fafalios, Panagiotis Papadakos and Yannis Tzitzikas

paper video

*** VQuAnDa: Verbalization QUestion ANswering DAtaset (best resource paper nominee)

Endri Kacupaj, Hamid Zafar, Jens Lehmann and Maria Maleshkova

paper video
11:50 – 12:10 Session 9: Benchmarking (Room 1)

*** ESBM: An Entity Summarization BenchMark (best resource paper nominee)

Qingxia Liu, Gong Cheng, Kalpa Gunaratna and Yuzhong Qu

paper video

SemTab 2019: Resources to Benchmark Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching Systems

Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz, Oktie Hassanzadeh, Vasilis Efthymiou, Jiaoyan Chen and Kavitha Srinivas

paper video

*** GEval: a Modular and Extensible Evaluation Framework for Graph Embedding Techniques (best resource paper nominee)

Maria Angela Pellegrino, Abdulrahman Altabba, Martina Garofalo, Petar Ristoski and Michael Cochez

paper video
11:50 – 12:10 Session 10: Knowledge Graphs and Linked Data (Room 2)

YAGO 4: A Reason-able Knowledge Base

Thomas Pellissier Tanon, Gerhard Weikum and Fabian M. Suchanek

paper video

A Knowledge Graph for Industry 4.0

Sebastian Bader, Irlan Grangel-González, Priyanka Nanjappa, Maria-Esther Vidal and Maria Maleshkova

paper video

*** MetaLink: A Travel Guide to the LOD Cloud (best resource paper nominee)

Wouter Beek, Joe Raad, Erman Acar and Frank Van Harmelen

paper video
12:10 – 12:30 Session 11: Knowledge Graphs and Constraints (Room 1)

Applying Knowledge Graphs as Integrated Semantic Information Model for the Computerized Engineering of Building Automation Systems

Henrik Dibowski and Francesco Massa Gray

paper video

Astrea: automatic generation of SHACL shapes from ontologies

Andrea Cimmino Arriaga, Alba Fernández Izquierdo and Raúl García-Castro

paper video

SAShA: Semantic-Aware Shilling Attacks on Recommender Systems exploiting Knowledge Graphs

Vito Walter Anelli, Yashar Deldjoo, Tommaso Di Noia, Eugenio Di Sciascio and Felice Antonio Merra

paper video
12:10 – 12:30 Session 12: In use (Room 2)

*** Supporting complex decision making by semantic technologies (best in-use paper nominee)

Stefan Fenz

paper video

On Modeling the Physical World as a Collection of Things: the W3C Thing Description Ontology

Victor Charpenay and Sebastian Käbisch

paper video

*** Piveau: A Large-scale Open Data Management Platform based on Semantic Web Technologies (best in-use paper nominee)

Fabian Kirstein, Kyriakos Stefanidis, Benjamin Dittwald, Simon Dutkowski, Sebastian Urbanek and Manfred Hauswirth

paper video
12:30 – 12:50 Session 13: Mining and analysis (Room 1)

Fast and Exact Rule Mining with AMIE 3

Jonathan Lajus, Luis Galárraga and Fabian M. Suchanek

paper video

Fostering Scientific Meta-Analyses with Knowledge Graphs : a Case-Study

Ilaria Tiddi, Daniel Balliet and Annette Ten Teije

paper video

Estimating Characteristic Sets for RDF Dataset Profiles based on Sampling

Lars Heling and Maribel Acosta

paper video
10:00 – 11:00 Industry Track

Semantic Data Integration for the SMT Manufacturing Process using SANSA Stack

Mohamed Nadjib Mami, Irlán Grangel-González, Damien Graux, Enkeleda Elezi and Felix Loesch

paper video

Enabling Digital Business Transformation through an enterprise Knowledge Graph

Christian Dirschl, Jessica Kent, Jamie Schram and Quentin Reul

paper video

Knowledge Graph-based Legal Search over German Court Cases

Ademar Crotti Junior, Fabrizio Orlandi, Damien Graux, Murhaf Hossari, Declan O’Sullivan, Christian Hartz and Christian Dirschl

paper video

Enabling FAIR Clinical Data Standards with Linked Data

Javier D. Fernández, Nelia Lasierra, Didier Clement, Huw Mason and Ivan Robinson

paper video

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